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The Geometrication by RENESA Architecture Design Interiors Studio


Renesa Architecture Design Interiors Studio took cues from the original deconstructive architecture to create a spatial experience filled with volumetric galleries and partitioned masses.
Located at the newly renovated 32nd avenue, in Gurgaon, Haryana,India. the space plays host to a restaurant and an escape room unlocking a variable experience that includes the visitor from the very start.The restaurant is accessed through a door fronted with simple glass panels hinting at the hues of spaces that follow inside.

Upon entering, the visitor is instantly transported to an uncertain realm, characterized by geometric shapes that reflect a modern intake on traditional Indian architecture.The consistency in applying successive regular geometries on different scales of designcollaborates with a clear color paletteof warm and vibrant materials.

The core idea is an amalgamation of principles that takes its aesthetic inspiration from elements of jantar mantar in Delhi and Jaipur as well as from an indie puzzle game- monument valley. The concept was to manipulate the space in order to create multiple pockets that arise from an array of lines and shapes.

Evoking the sensation of being on a journey the visitors get an idea of being connected but remain fragmented for intimacy creating a “dynamic yet cosy atmosphere.
The variation in color and materiality forms these partitioned masses that govern the grouping of distinct but interconnected volumes, each with a particular function.These colored partitions are offset against exposed concrete walls. One of the main walls also feature niches in the shape of semicircular and pointed arches.

Providing a pleasant meeting and social interaction area, each dining area is defined and unified with exposed concrete flooring highlighting either the geometry or the mix of heterogeneous colors.

A playfulness continues in the surfaces, fixtures and furniture across the restaurant.Distinct sculptural lighting design chosen for the project serves to distinguish the different volumes- cove lights light the walls of the café, while pendant lights and floor lamps in a rose gold scheme further add to the character and cast interesting shadows in the space. Thus, the interiors have been deliberately altered in order to match the mood of the place.

A’ Design Award Announce Their World Design Rankings

China: Zhongnan Mansion Clubhouse / Kris Lin and Jiayu Yang Platinum A’ Design Award in Interior Space and Exhibition Design 2018

The A’ Design Award is an international award whose aim is to provide designers, architects, and innovators from all design fields with a competitive platform to showcase their work and products to a global audience. Among the design world’s many awards, the A’ Design Award stands out for its exceptional scale and breadth, including over 100 award categories and having honored over 12,000 designers with an award over its 11-year lifetime.

The World Design Rankings (WDR) are sponsored by the A’ Design Award and Competition, ranking countries based on the number of designers who have been granted with the A’ Design Award between the years 2010 and 2020. Highly competitive and influential, WDR is to design what the Olympics are to sports. It aims to provide additional data and insights to economists and journalists regarding the state-of-art in the design industry. The ultimate aim of the world design rankings is to contribute to global design culture through advocating and highlighting good design.

In the current standings, China tops the list with 86 Platinum Award winners (2,272 total awards), followed by the United States with 67 Platinum Awards (1,038 total awards), and Japan in third place with 41 Platinum Awards (481 total awards). Take a look at some the previously-awarded projects below and enter for the chance to represent your country here.

China: Zhongnan Mansion Clubhouse / Kris Lin and Jiayu Yang
Platinum A’ Design Award in Interior Space and Exhibition Design 2018

China: Zhongnan Mansion Clubhouse / Kris Lin and Jiayu Yang
Platinum A’ Design Award in Interior Space and Exhibition Design 2018
China: Wuhan Wushang Mall Cinema 9F / Ajax Law and Virginia Lung
Platinum A’ Design Award in Interior Space and Exhibition Design 2018
China: Guiyang Zhongshuge Bookstore / Xiang Li
Platinum A’ Design Award in Interior Space and Exhibition Design 2020
China: Lotus Square Art Center / Raynon Chiu Platinum A’ Design Award in Interior Space and Exhibition Design 2016
China: Shanghai Film Museum / Coordination Asia
Platinum A’ Design Award in Interior Space and Exhibition Design 2017
China: The Curtain Sales Office / Larry Wen and Yibo Wang – Aoe
Platinum A’ Design Award in Architecture, Building and Structure Design 2018
China: Hangzhou Xixi Green Office Complex / Zhang Wei, Meng Fanhao and Xie Lei
Platinum A’ Design Award in Architecture, Building and Structure Design 2018
United States: Chhatrapti Shivaji International Airport Terminal 2 Building / Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP
Platinum A’ Design Award in Architecture, Building and Structure Design 2015
United States: Modern Lodge Residential House / Kem Studio
Platinum A’ Design Award in Architecture, Building and Structure Design 2018
United States: Polyot Restaurant / Julien Albertini and Alina Pimkina
Platinum A’ Design Award in Interior Space and Exhibition Design 2020

Chagas Apartment / João Tiago Aguiar Arquitectos


The apartment, located in Lisbon´s city centre, belongs to a classified building, built at the end of the 19th century. The interior was totally transformed through a functional scheme to optimise the apartment’s space and to restore its dignity.

Approximately 15 years ago, this majestic building of large proportions, was rehabilitated, but with this the apartment lost some of its original essence. The starting point revealed to be remarkably interesting, since it involved designing solutions that preserve and highlight the remarkable and pristine elements of this space.

The greatest challenge was to reconcile this premise with the creation of more simplified and practical spaces to that would meet the new owners’ needs. To recover and thus restore the apartment’s old aura, it was necessary to intervene in some areas that were covered after the building’s rehabilitation, like the scullery and the magnificent stained glasses that open towards a large central interior patio which illuminates and elevates their magnificence.

On the other hand, the worked ceilings dating from the end of the 19th century have also been rehabilitated and highlighted due to concealed lighting placed on covings. The decoration of the apartment stands out for its featherweight elements, carefully chosen for a noble and imposing space that assumes itself as the main star. The furniture was custom designed, such as the living room bookcase with tv, the beds, including two double beds, the bunk bed with trundle and even the hallstand/wall coat hanger.

The artist Maria Ana Vasco Costa was invited to compose a mural in smooth and three-dimensional handcrafted tile for the scullery/diner room wall. The result was a contemporary composition in contrast with the classic character of the apartment.

João Tiago Aguiar

المهندس لؤي بوادقجي الامارات هي دولة الحداثة والابداع، وهدفي محبة الناس لأعمالي الهندسية.


الفرق بين المهندس المعماري ومهندس الديكور والمصمم الداخلي:

المعماري هو حجر الأساس ونقطة الانطلاق لكل مشروع لانه يبدأ بتصميم المبنى كمخطط افقي وتوزيع الفراغات والعناصر والكتل وعلاقتها مع بعضها. بالإضافة لدراسة المشروع ككل من الواجهات وعلاقتها مع المحيط وجغرافيا الموقع ويكون لديه علم ودراسة ومعرفة واضحة عن الهيكل الإنشائي في المبنى بالاضافة لمعرفة شاملة عن الكهرباء والصرف الصحي والتكييف والاضاءة وأنظمة الري، لان المعماري دراسته مبنية على أساس الوظيفة والاستخدام، من تصميم عمراني ( تصميم وتخطيط مدن) إلى تصميم مبنى او فيلا بالإضافة إلى معرفة ودراسة الفراغات داخلياً.

   اما المصمم الداخلي فهو شخص لديه الخبرة في إنتاج صور ثلاثية الأبعاد وتتضمن تنسيق الالوان والأثاث بشكل مناسب.

و مهندس الديكور هو صاحب اختصاص ودراسة في مجال توزيع المساحات الداخلية وتوظيف المواد.. وعليه فإن مصمم الداخلي ومهندس الديكور مختصين في كل ما يتعلق بالمبنى من الداخل فقط من ألوان وتوزيعات اثاث.

هل يمكن المزج بين المودرن والكلاسيك:

طبعا يمكن المزج بين مدرستين للتصميم وهذا بيعتمد بشكل أساسي على مهارات وامكانيات المهندس بخلق تناغم بدون وجود أي اخطاء او تلوث وظيفي او بصري.

ماذا عن الإضاءة 

بالاساس مهنة التصميم الداخلي تعتمد على المزج بين المواد باختلاف انواعها لتشكل منظر جميل يؤدي وظيفة مطلوبة وجميلة.

كيف تصف لنا اسلوبك؟

يتميز اسلوبي بتحقيق جميع احلام العميل وذلك من خلال منهج علمي يلاقي الجمال ويحقق النتيجة المطلوبة يعني ببساطة العميل يحصل دائما على الحل الامثل والاجمل، وذلك من خلال ترجمة أفكار العميل واحتياجاته لواقع جميل بتطويع المنهج العلمي المدروس دون التنازل عن المستوى الجمالي. 

من خلال التجربة الواسعة في مجال التصميم الداخلي كان تميزنا من خلال معرفتنا بالتقاليد الموروثة والتطلعات المستقبلية لخلق بصمة مميزة لتصميم داخلي يحاكي الماضي ويناسب الحاضر ويستمر للمستقبل.

ما هي التحديات التي تواجهها شركات التصميم في هذه الايام: 

في الحقيقة في دبي لا يوجد تعريف لكلمة مستحيل، وبالحقيقة التحديات هي جزء من العمل، وكل مشروع هو تحدي بحد ذاته من خلال تحقيق السعادة للعميل والشعور بالفخر بمساهمتك بهذه السعادة.

كما ذكرت سابقا لا يوجد العديد من التحديات او المفاجآت التي قد تبهر القراء في السياق الدرامي نحن نستمتع بعملنا من خلال خطوات مدروسة ومنهج علمي ودائما نحقق الهدف المطلوب.

ما أكثر المشروعات التي كانت تشكل تحديا مهنياً ولماذا ؟

لا يوجد مشروع سهل، كل المشاريع مهمة ولها نفس الأهمية وكلها تشكل تحد،  بطبيعة العمل احيانا قد يشكل عنصر الوقت تحدي عند بعض العملاء ولكن قدرتنا كشركة من حيث الطاقة الاستيعابية ومهارات الحرفيين ومصادرنا الموثوقة كانت كفيلة بتسليم المشاريع في الأوقات المحددة.

ما الفرق بين المهندس بين الحاضر والماضي؟ 

بالاساس لا يوجد فرق كبير وذلك لحاجة المهندس بمعرفة محيطه وتطويره على اختلاف الزمن ولكن اليوم اصبح التنوع اكبر والاطلاع اكثر، اتوقع في هذه الايام أصبحت مهمتنا اسهل في معرفة محيطنا وذلك لأننا نعيش في عصر المعلومات ولكن اصعب بتحقيق التميز ضمن هذا الانفتاح.

الثقافة المعمارية في دولة الامارات

الامارات هي دولة الحداثة والابداع وتعتبر العمارة من أهم روافد تحقيق رؤيا القادة بجعل دبي وجهة سياحية واستثمارية وقد ساهمت المباني الرائعة والأحياء المتقنة بتحقيق ذلك.

ما هو سر نجاح اي مهندس؟

 سر النجاح الحقيقي لأي عمل هو الثقة، ولكن لتحقيق الثقة مطلوب مصداقية على أعلى المستويات وشفافية وبالطبع حققنا انتشار واسع وجماهيرية بفضل ثقة ومحبة عملاؤنا ومتابعتنا على منصات التواصل الاجتماعي اما لطلب المعلومة او لطب خدماتنا او للاستمتاع بجمالية المحتوى المنشور.

ما النصائح التي تسديها؟

اطلع على اعمال الآخرين ولكن اكتشف بصمتك الخاصة لتتمكن من الابتعاد عن التقليد لانه لا يمكن أن يستمر.

ما هي البصمة الخاصة بك؟

بعيدا عن جمالية التصاميم والأفكار الإبداعية تمكنت من التفرد والتميز بمجال التصميم الداخلي بسبب خبرتي المعمارية والتي مكنتني من توظيف المناخ الكامل والشامل للتصميم الداخلي ابتداء من الفكرة وحتى التنفيذ والتسليم النهائي.

بالإضافة لاطلاعي على خبرات عملية وعالمية بفضل مكتبي باليونان والتي تشكل حضارة عريقة بحد ذاتها اكسبتني مبدأ إنتاج تصاميم لا تعرف الزمان فهي تحاكي الماضي وتحتضن الحاضر وتعيش للأبد. 

هل تعنيك الصدارة؟ 

طبعا تعنيني ولكن بروح رياضية بالنهاية عملنا هو تنفيذ منازل تشكل احلام عملاؤنا فإن لم نكن الأفضل فمن نكون ؟

 علمنا من مصادرنا أنك المهندس الأكثر طلباً وانتشاراً من قبل النخبة الاماراتية، كيف تعلق على هذا الموضوع!؟ 

 من خلال سنوات عملنا فإن أغلب مشاريعنا هي لمواطني الدولة ونسبة عالية من متابعينا على الانستغرام هم من المواطنين أيضا، ربما يكون السبب هو فهمي للذوق الاماراتي وعلاقتي الوثيقة مع هذه الحضارة وعشقي لها.

ما الذي يميز الهندسة الداخلية في البيوت العربي.

من المعروف عالميا هو السعي العربي للفخامة والجمال دون التنازل عن التقاليد العربية المحافظة وكرم الضيافة، لذلك تجد دائما اهتماماً كبيراً بمساحة الضيف في التصاميم العربية وتوظيف المكان لخدمة وراحة الضيف دون إزعاج سكان المنزل وذلك من خلال المجالس المجهزة بالكامل ومن المميز ان هذا المتطلب هو للأغلبية ولا يقتصر على الفئة المخملية مثل المجتمعات الأخرى، فكل بيت عربي برأي هو بيت مخملي ومضياف. 

وعن الاضاءة المناسبة 

ابتداء من المصدر الطبيعي للاضاءة من خلال التوزيعات الداخلية ومنفذ الضوء والاضاءة الصناعية والتي تستخدم غالبا بسلاسة، تعتبر الاضاءة مهمة جدا لانها تتملك فترة الليل وهي فترات مهمة من اليوم باعتبارها الانسب لاستقبال الزوار او لاجتماع العائلة والعديد من النشاطات المسائية،

ولأن الضوء عنصر وظيفي وبالاضافة لقدرته على إضفاء جمالية للمكان، فإننا دائما نحرص على تحقيق الاثنين معا الاضاءة الوظيفية والاضافة الجمالية، ومن المهم جدا عدم تناسي قدرة الاضاءة المناسبة لتوفير جو مريح يتناسب مع الاحتياجات والمزاج.

ومن العصري حاليا تضمين الاضاءة الذكية والتي يمكن التحكم فيها من الاجهزة والهواتف الذكية سواء بالتشغيل اوالتوقيف، درجات سطوع الاضاءة او حتى لون الاضاءة ومن الجدير بالذكر قدرة الاضاءة الحديثة على توفير استهلاك الطاقة والمحافظة على البيئة.

كيف تعلم ان المشروع لقي نجاحاً!؟

بالطبع نجاح اي عمل يعتمد على مستوى رضى العملاء والجماهيرية التي يحققها العمل وهذا بسبب جاهزية المهندس او شركة التصميم الداخلي من الاطلاع التام على كل ماهو جديد ومتطور في عالم التصميم مع الخبرة اللازمة في أصول المهنة وتسليم كل ذلك من خلال بصمته الخاصة للاستحواذ على محبة الناس والمحافظة عليها بسب الحرفة والمصداقية والشفافية.

ماذا اضاف لك العمل مع عملاء من مختلف الدول عربياً وعالميا؟

التعرف على احتياجات العملاء من خلفيات مختلفة تساهم في قدرتنا على مزج وتطبيق مختلف الأذواق ضمن قالب مميز يناسب الجميع. ويضيف لنا مفهوماً أكبر وشريحة جماهيرية اوسع.

ما هو مصدر الهامك؟

اهتمامي في الجمال بشكل أساسي والبحث عن تحسين نمط الحياة والارتقاء بمستوى الرفاهية للعائلة. 

ما هي أهم نقاط القوة والتميز لبوادقجي للديكور!؟

خبرتنا بالسوق الاماراتي واحتياجاته وقدرتنا على مطابقة الواقع للتصاميم المعروضة على العميل، والتي يتم تنفيذها بخبرة علمية وعملية وباحتراف على كافة المراحل من التصميم واختيار المواد الى التنفيذ.

من كان له الأثر الأكبر في حياتك!؟

الدكتور عبد الرحيم بوادقجي (والدي) وطبعا والدتي، الذين زرعوا فينا معنى الترابط العائلي وأهمية المنزل وكيفية المحافظة على العائلة والعمل باجتهاد وأهمية التحصيل العلمي وتوظيفه في خدمة المجتمع، وان التواضع والصدق والأمانة هي العملة الأساسية وربح مضمون، وبالتأكيد محبة الوالدين ودعمهما الدائم لي وثقتهم في كل خطوات حياتي.

ما هي خططك المستقبلية؟

خططي دائما ضمن إطار السعي المستمر لإيجاد أفضل فرص السكن لكل عائلة، لذلك افتتحت شركة عقارية لمساعدة عملاؤنا للبحث عن أفضل الفرص للحصول على منزل الاحلام، سواء كان بشراء منزل او شراء أرض وبناء منزل.

ما هو دورك في الخدمة المجتمعية؟

من واجبنا كمقيمين في الامارات رد جميل هذا البلد علينا من خلال المساهمة باحتياجات المجتمع،

بالرغم من إعتناء الدولة بكافة فئات المجتمع بشكل كامل الا أن مساهمتنا قد تشكل أثر على المجتمع وعلينا كأفراد وذلك من خلال شعورنا الحقيقي بالانتماء عندما نعرف اننا قمنا بواجبنا..

لذلك بادرت بتأسيس مبادرة تحت عنوان #ننتمي والتي تهدف لدعم الابحاث الطبية والعلاج لمرضى سرطان الاطفال من خلال مساهمتي فيها على المستوى الشخصي وتحفيز الآخرين للانضمام الينا في المبادرة.

By architect Louay Bawadikji
Prime Tower, Business Bay, Dubai
Phone:    04. 360 99 92
Mob:    052. 9 585 15 2

WHERE LUXURY IS IN EVERY DETAIL by Architect Louay Bawadikji


Since the establishment in 2010, Architect Louay Bawadikji the founder of Bawadikji interior decoration has a solid vision of catering luxury in every single detail and making sure to deliver a dream living for every home.

As he expressed his customer journey by saying When a family reaches us seeking a home design I know exactly what they are looking for. understanding the unique taste of my clients I know where authenticity meets modern life and last forever.

We know exactly what is that means, frankly speaking what’s more Luxury than mixing the classic beauty with modern styles?

And that is where my company got the fame in new classic designs that expressed exactly the luxury taste of the region. Not forgetting other styles as Moroccan or Mediterranean and much more.

We mastered luxury villas designs in every aspect That includes the unique management of space, sets of lightning, flooring, walls & furniture, bringing it all together to shape a well scientifically fashion home. All that delivered by rendered images that is meets the exact reality thy will be living in.

” My goal is to exhibit my passion of designing to the world.”

The difference between an architect, and interior designer:

The starting point of every project begins with the job of the architect because it begins with designing the building as a horizontal plan, the distribution of spaces, elements, and blocks and their relationship with each other. It encompasses studying the project as a whole from the facades and its relationship with the surroundings, the geography of the site and to having a clear knowledge, by studying and understanding the structure of the building, in addition to gain comprehensive knowledge of electricity, sanitation, air conditioning, lighting and irrigation systems, because the architect job is based on the study of the foundation of function and role, varying from urban design (design and planning cities), to designing a building or villa, and also, to study and know the spaces intrica

An interior designer is someone who has experience producing 3D images that involve coordinating colors and furniture appropriately. An interior designer is a specialist in the study of the field of distributing interior spaces and employing materials. Accordingly, the interior designer and architect specialize in everything related to the inner workings of the building, including the colors and distribution of furniture.

Is it feasible to combine both a modern style, and a classical one?

Of course, it is possible to combine two design schools, and this depends mainly on the skills and capabilities of the engineer, in order to create harmony without any errors or functional and visual pollution.

How about lighting?

The interior designer’s profession depends on a mixture of different types of materials that form a stunning view, consequentially manifesting a desired function.

What are the challenges that design companies face these days:

In fact, in Dubai, there is no definition of the word impossible. Challenges are part of the work, and every project is a challenge in itself, by achieving happiness for the customer and feeling proud of your contribution to this happiness.

As I mentioned earlier, there are not many challenges or surprises that may dazzle readers in the dramatic context. We enjoy our work through thoughtful steps and a scientific approach and we always achieve the desired goal.

How would you describe your style to us?

My method is characterized by the realization of all the clients’ dreams, in addition to a scientific approach that meets beauty, and achieves the desired result. Simply to say that the customer always gets the best and most beautiful solution; translating the clients’ ideas and requirements into an elegant reality by adapting the studied scientific approach without compromising the aesthetic level.

Through our elaborate experience in the field of interior design, we are distinguishable through our knowledge of the inherited traditions and future aspirations to create a noteworthy imprint of interior design that imitates the past, suits the present and carries into the future.

What were the most professionally challenging projects, and why?

There isn’t an easy project. All projects are significant and all constitute a challenge. The nature of work may sometimes pose the element of time as a challenge for some clients, but our ability as a company, in terms of absorptive capacity, skill of craftsmanship, and our reliable sources; we’re able to deliver the projects at the specified times.

What is the difference between an engineer of the past and the present?

There isn’t a substantial difference due to the engineer’s need to know his surroundings and develop it over time, but today’s diversity has become greater and more knowledgeable, I expect that in these days, our tasks have become easier as we’ve come to know our surroundings, since we live in an age of such accessible information, yet it is more difficult to achieve excellence within this openness.

Architectural culture in the UAE.

The UAE is a country of modernity and creativity, and architecture is considered one of the most important influences that allows one to realize the leaders’ vision of making Dubai a tourist and investment destination. Magnificent buildings and elaborate neighborhoods have contributed to this.

What is the secret of an architect’s success?

The secret of the real success of any business, is trust. To achieve confidence, credibility is required at the highest levels, as well as transparency. We have certainly achieved a wide and popular spread thanks to the trust and love of our customers and our follow-up on social media platforms, either to request information or to seek our services and to enjoy the beauty of the published content.

What advice do you give?

Adopt from the work of others, but discover your own fingerprint, to be able to move away from tradition; because it cannot prevail.

What is your distinct print?

Apart from the aesthetic designs and creative ideas, I was able to have some uniqueness and distinction in the field of interior design because of my architectural experience, which enabled me to employ the complete and comprehensive climate for interior design from the idea, to the implementation, and final delivery. In addition to my exposure to practical and global experiences, thanks to my office in Greece, which is an ancient civilization in itself, I gained the principle of producing timeless designs that simulate the past, embrace the present and live forever.

Do you care about reaching the highest level?

It certainly concerns me, but with a sporting spirit, our work is to implement homes that form the dreams of our clients. If we are not the best, who are we!

Our sources have informed us that you are the most sought-after engineer by the Emirati elite, how do you comment on this topic?

Through our years of work, most of our projects are for the citizens of the country, and a high percentage of our followers on Instagram are also citizens, perhaps the reason is my understanding of the Emirati taste and my close relationship with this civilization, and my love for it.

What distinguishes the interior architecture in Arab homes?

It is known internationally that it is the Arab pursuit of luxury and beauty, without compromising the conservative Arab traditions and hospitality. You can always find a great attraction of guest space in Arab designs and employing the place to serve and comfort the guest without disturbing the residents of the house through fully equipped boards, and it is distinguished that this requirement is for the majority. Every Arab home, in my opinion, is velvety and hospitable.

How about appropriate lighting?

Starting from the natural source of lighting through the internal distributions and the outlet of light and industrial lighting, which are often used smoothly. Lighting is very important because it possesses night intervals, which are important periods of the day, as it is best suited for receiving visitors or a family gathering and many evening activities. Since light is a functional element, and its ability to add aesthetics to the place, we are always keen to achieve both functional lighting and a potential aesthetic addition. It is rather important not to discredit the ability that appropriate lighting has to provide a comfortable atmosphere, to commensurate with mood.

It is currently modern to include smart lighting, which can be controlled from devices and smart phones, whether on or off, the degrees of brightness of light or even the color of lighting, and it is worth noting the ability of modern lighting to save energy consumption and preserve the environment.

How do you know that the project was a success? 

The success of any work depends on the level of customer and public satisfaction achieved by the work and this is due to the readiness of the engineer or the interior designer’s company to fully learn about everything new and developed in the world of design with the necessary experience in the assets of the profession and deliver all of this through his own imprint to capture the love of people. It is due to professionalism, credibility and transparency.

What contributed to your growth through working with clients from various Arab and international countries?

Acknowledging the preferences of customers from different backgrounds contributes to our ability to mix and apply different tastes within a distinctive template that fits all. It’s allowed us to develop grander concepts and a wider audience.

What are your inspirations?

My interest lies mainly in beauty, and searching for a better lifestyle and a higher level of luxury for the family.

What are the main strengths and contrasts of Bawadikji Decoration?

Our experience in the UAE market and its needs, our ability to match reality with designs presented to the client, which are implemented with scientific and practical experience; and applying professionalism at all stages, from the design and selection of materials to implementation.

Who has had the greatest impact in your life?

Professor Abd al-Rahim Bawadikji (my father) and of course, my mother, who instilled in us the meaning of family bonding, the importance of home, how to preserve the family and work diligently and the importance of educational achievement and employing it in community service, and that humility and honesty are the basic currency and guaranteed profit, and certainly the parents’ love, their constant support and confidence in every step of my life.

What are your future plans?

My plans are always within the framework of the continuous pursuit of finding the best housing opportunities for every family, so I opened a real estate company to help our clients search for the best opportunities, enabling them to get their dream home. Whether buying a house or buying land and building a house.

What is your role in community service?

It is our duty as residents of the Emirates to give back the beauty of this country by contributing to the needs of society, Despite the state’s care of all groups of society completely, our contribution may have an impact on us as individuals, through our true sense of belonging once we acknowledge how we’ve fulfilled our duty. Therefore, I took the initiative to establish a group entitled #WeBelong, which aims to support medical research and treatment for children with cancer patients through my personal contribution and motivation of others to join us in taking initiative.


By architect Louay Bawadikji

Prime Tower, Business Bay, Dubai

Phone:    04. 360 99 92

Mob:    052. 9 585 15 2


Let the Good Times Roll!


Best wishes on the new year, to everyone in every country!

May this new year be a year of profound awakening filled with a greater awareness of the serious issues that we should deal with in the earliest time possible, without any delay. For solving urgent problems doesn’t have the luxury of waiting.

But let’s not be way too pessimistic…God gave us a special home in his infinite universe a home with rules, foundations, and limits. A home amazingly protected and safeguarded unlike other creations we’re aware of..

While our blue planet has been rebuilding itself every time it surrenders to the Acts of destruction of its dwellers that ruin every element of beauty created in it, this time our planet Earth will finally rise against Mankind and revenge, if we do not stop our crimes immediately and restitute to it its beauty that we have been eradicating by our own hands and before our own eye.

Each and every one of us is responsible as members of the human family.

Why do we need big unused space while we just need functional areas? Why do we surround ourselves with stones while we need more green than anything else.

What about power, water, pollution, global warming, drought and corruption in all governors and people worldwide… as if mankind is racing towards the precipice of destruction – an enevitable demolition.

What about families and those obsolete mentalities and wrong inherited beliefs of the world, and Arabs in particular. What about the powerful and powerless, while new are all helpless, rich, and poor, about to wander life in a while and wonder where did the Earth go?

We may wish you great times and beautiful days but if I may express My inner thoughts, I would say enough! Let’s wake up today and not tomorrow before it’s gone.

WHERE LUXURY IS IN EVERY DETAIL by Architect Louay Bawadikji


Since the establishment in 2010, Architect Louay Bawadikji the founder of Bawadikji interior decoration has a solid vision of catering luxury in every single detail and making sure to deliver a dream living for every home.

As he expressed his customer journey by saying When a family reaches us seeking a home design I know exactly what they are looking for. understanding the unique taste of my clients I know where authenticity meets modern life and last forever.

We know exactly what is that means, frankly speaking what’s more Luxury than mixing the classic beauty with modern styles?

And that is where my company got the fame in new classic designs that expressed exactly the luxury taste of the region. Not forgetting other styles as Moroccan or Mediterranean and much more.

We mastered luxury villas designs in every aspect That includes the unique management of space, sets of lightning, flooring, walls & furniture, bringing it all together to shape a well scientifically fashion home. All that delivered by rendered images that is meets the exact reality thy will be living in.

” My goal is to exhibit my passion of designing to the world.”

The difference between an architect, and interior designer:

The starting point of every project begins with the job of the architect because it begins with designing the building as a horizontal plan, the distribution of spaces, elements, and blocks and their relationship with each other. It encompasses studying the project as a whole from the facades and its relationship with the surroundings, the geography of the site and to having a clear knowledge, by studying and understanding the structure of the building, in addition to gain comprehensive knowledge of electricity, sanitation, air conditioning, lighting and irrigation systems, because the architect job is based on the study of the foundation of function and role, varying from urban design (design and planning cities), to designing a building or villa, and also, to study and know the spaces intrica

An interior designer is someone who has experience producing 3D images that involve coordinating colors and furniture appropriately. An interior designer is a specialist in the study of the field of distributing interior spaces and employing materials. Accordingly, the interior designer and architect specialize in everything related to the inner workings of the building, including the colors and distribution of furniture.

Is it feasible to combine both a modern style, and a classical one?

Of course, it is possible to combine two design schools, and this depends mainly on the skills and capabilities of the engineer, in order to create harmony without any errors or functional and visual pollution.

How about lighting?

The interior designer’s profession depends on a mixture of different types of materials that form a stunning view, consequentially manifesting a desired function.

What are the challenges that design companies face these days:

In fact, in Dubai, there is no definition of the word impossible. Challenges are part of the work, and every project is a challenge in itself, by achieving happiness for the customer and feeling proud of your contribution to this happiness.

As I mentioned earlier, there are not many challenges or surprises that may dazzle readers in the dramatic context. We enjoy our work through thoughtful steps and a scientific approach and we always achieve the desired goal.

How would you describe your style to us?

My method is characterized by the realization of all the clients’ dreams, in addition to a scientific approach that meets beauty, and achieves the desired result. Simply to say that the customer always gets the best and most beautiful solution; translating the clients’ ideas and requirements into an elegant reality by adapting the studied scientific approach without compromising the aesthetic level.

Through our elaborate experience in the field of interior design, we are distinguishable through our knowledge of the inherited traditions and future aspirations to create a noteworthy imprint of interior design that imitates the past, suits the present and carries into the future.

What were the most professionally challenging projects, and why?

There isn’t an easy project. All projects are significant and all constitute a challenge. The nature of work may sometimes pose the element of time as a challenge for some clients, but our ability as a company, in terms of absorptive capacity, skill of craftsmanship, and our reliable sources; we’re able to deliver the projects at the specified times.

What is the difference between an engineer of the past and the present?

There isn’t a substantial difference due to the engineer’s need to know his surroundings and develop it over time, but today’s diversity has become greater and more knowledgeable, I expect that in these days, our tasks have become easier as we’ve come to know our surroundings, since we live in an age of such accessible information, yet it is more difficult to achieve excellence within this openness.

Architectural culture in the UAE.

The UAE is a country of modernity and creativity, and architecture is considered one of the most important influences that allows one to realize the leaders’ vision of making Dubai a tourist and investment destination. Magnificent buildings and elaborate neighborhoods have contributed to this.

What is the secret of an architect’s success?

The secret of the real success of any business, is trust. To achieve confidence, credibility is required at the highest levels, as well as transparency. We have certainly achieved a wide and popular spread thanks to the trust and love of our customers and our follow-up on social media platforms, either to request information or to seek our services and to enjoy the beauty of the published content.

What advice do you give?

Adopt from the work of others, but discover your own fingerprint, to be able to move away from tradition; because it cannot prevail.

What is your distinct print?

Apart from the aesthetic designs and creative ideas, I was able to have some uniqueness and distinction in the field of interior design because of my architectural experience, which enabled me to employ the complete and comprehensive climate for interior design from the idea, to the implementation, and final delivery. In addition to my exposure to practical and global experiences, thanks to my office in Greece, which is an ancient civilization in itself, I gained the principle of producing timeless designs that simulate the past, embrace the present and live forever.

Do you care about reaching the highest level?

It certainly concerns me, but with a sporting spirit, our work is to implement homes that form the dreams of our clients. If we are not the best, who are we!

Our sources have informed us that you are the most sought-after engineer by the Emirati elite, how do you comment on this topic?

Through our years of work, most of our projects are for the citizens of the country, and a high percentage of our followers on Instagram are also citizens, perhaps the reason is my understanding of the Emirati taste and my close relationship with this civilization, and my love for it.

What distinguishes the interior architecture in Arab homes?

It is known internationally that it is the Arab pursuit of luxury and beauty, without compromising the conservative Arab traditions and hospitality. You can always find a great attraction of guest space in Arab designs and employing the place to serve and comfort the guest without disturbing the residents of the house through fully equipped boards, and it is distinguished that this requirement is for the majority. Every Arab home, in my opinion, is velvety and hospitable.

How about appropriate lighting?

Starting from the natural source of lighting through the internal distributions and the outlet of light and industrial lighting, which are often used smoothly. Lighting is very important because it possesses night intervals, which are important periods of the day, as it is best suited for receiving visitors or a family gathering and many evening activities. Since light is a functional element, and its ability to add aesthetics to the place, we are always keen to achieve both functional lighting and a potential aesthetic addition. It is rather important not to discredit the ability that appropriate lighting has to provide a comfortable atmosphere, to commensurate with mood.

It is currently modern to include smart lighting, which can be controlled from devices and smart phones, whether on or off, the degrees of brightness of light or even the color of lighting, and it is worth noting the ability of modern lighting to save energy consumption and preserve the environment.

How do you know that the project was a success? 

The success of any work depends on the level of customer and public satisfaction achieved by the work and this is due to the readiness of the engineer or the interior designer’s company to fully learn about everything new and developed in the world of design with the necessary experience in the assets of the profession and deliver all of this through his own imprint to capture the love of people. It is due to professionalism, credibility and transparency.

What contributed to your growth through working with clients from various Arab and international countries?

Acknowledging the preferences of customers from different backgrounds contributes to our ability to mix and apply different tastes within a distinctive template that fits all. It’s allowed us to develop grander concepts and a wider audience.

What are your inspirations?

My interest lies mainly in beauty, and searching for a better lifestyle and a higher level of luxury for the family.

What are the main strengths and contrasts of Bawadikji Decoration?

Our experience in the UAE market and its needs, our ability to match reality with designs presented to the client, which are implemented with scientific and practical experience; and applying professionalism at all stages, from the design and selection of materials to implementation.

Who has had the greatest impact in your life?

Professor Abd al-Rahim Bawadikji (my father) and of course, my mother, who instilled in us the meaning of family bonding, the importance of home, how to preserve the family and work diligently and the importance of educational achievement and employing it in community service, and that humility and honesty are the basic currency and guaranteed profit, and certainly the parents’ love, their constant support and confidence in every step of my life.

What are your future plans?

My plans are always within the framework of the continuous pursuit of finding the best housing opportunities for every family, so I opened a real estate company to help our clients search for the best opportunities, enabling them to get their dream home. Whether buying a house or buying land and building a house.

What is your role in community service?

It is our duty as residents of the Emirates to give back the beauty of this country by contributing to the needs of society, Despite the state’s care of all groups of society completely, our contribution may have an impact on us as individuals, through our true sense of belonging once we acknowledge how we’ve fulfilled our duty. Therefore, I took the initiative to establish a group entitled #WeBelong, which aims to support medical research and treatment for children with cancer patients through my personal contribution and motivation of others to join us in taking initiative.


By architect Louay Bawadikji

Prime Tower, Business Bay, Dubai

Phone:    04. 360 99 92

Mob:    052. 9 585 15 2


La Plage Tower by Interior Architect Jessica Khouzami


Al Thuriah Group, one of the leading real estate developers in the United Arab Emirates, announced that the number of residential and commercial sales reached 30 percent in La Plage Tower, which was unveiled during City Scape Global 2018 held at the Dubai World Trade Center.

La Plage Tower will be launched in a few weeks and new residential and commercial units will be handed over without delay. As a Group, we have developed systematic work mechanisms over the last two decades enabling us to provide the highest quality of customer experience while executing projects in a timely manner. After restructuring operations, Al Thuriah Group has been able to capture more opportunities in UAE’s real estate sector, particularly in Sharjah.

The group entails four divisions that work harmoniously together for the implementation of urban projects, including: Thuriah Properties, Thuriah Construction, Thuriah Leasing, and Thuriah Services and Facilities Management.”

The tower is comprised of 350 apartments with options for 1, 2 and 3 bedrooms of different sizes, 12 duplexes, 17 offices and two shops, in addition to 474 spacious parking spots over seven floors. Designed with two independent entrances, the first for residence and the second for offices, the building layout ensures residence will have a quiet separation from the office rush hour.

La Plage is ideal for those who seek comfort and tranquility in the heart of the city, all the while taking into consideration that units are available for sale under the freehold system in accordance with the laws and regulations of the emirate of Dubai and Sharjah.

Located on Al Mamzar Beach between Sharjah and Dubai, La Plage Tower is a few steps away from the sea with pedestrian walkways along the Mamzar Corniche. A new architectural landmark, the building’s design differs from those around it as it combines the charm of Sharjah’s heritage and culture with the modernity that characterizes the neighboring city of Dubai.

Standing at 150-meters high on Al Ittihad Street, La Plage Tower offers a 360-degree panoramic view of Al Mamzar and Al Khan Lakes in Sharjah, and at the same time a view of Burj Khalifa in Dubai on the other side.  The Tower has two swimming pools for adults and children, as well as two health clubs separated for men and women.

Jessica Khouzami

Interior architect

Al Thuriah Bldg contracting, 5th floor sahara tower 1, Al Nahda Sharjah,

P.O. BOX 23335, UAE

T: +971 6 530 2030

M: +971 50 629 7444

Email: j.khouzami@althuriah.com


your dream home by Interior Designer Hiba Nahawi


Nahawi Design Studio is one of the leading companies in the Middle East specializing in residential interior design. We invent exclusive interiors that perfectly reflect your personality combining innovative solutions. With the selection of the best durable materials within an optimal time frame while creating a comfortable cozy space.

Our team of interior design consultants is specialized in the field of luxury villas design. It includes modern home interior design and home decoration. Providing a detailed and very specific concept in order to make your dream home a reality.

We at Nahawi Design Studios will make your villa interior design dreams true. East meets west, a space that adds European elements to classic Arabic interiors. The luxury villa interior design stands out as elegant, simple, yet detailed with lavish design elements.

Our modern and luxury villa interior design services are expanded all over the UAE including Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, and Dubai. We offer immaculate consultancy and interior design offers to design the interior space of polo farms, private villas, studio apartments, and much more.

Designing a classic or modern villas’ interior space is our expertise. Our team works effortlessly to satisfy you and provide you with the best.

The services of Nahawi Design Studio include villa interior design that is not limited to villa bedroom design as well as villa bathroom design. We know the importance of the first impression which is why we provide villa entrance interior design.

Specific project details :

•Location : Dubai hills estate , fairways villas

•Date of execution : jan 2020 – aug 2020

•Area: 1100 sqm

•Companies used for furniture : Baker furniture , Cavalli , Fratto , the one , marina

Hiba Nahawi

Interior Designer

Buheira Corniche Rd, Sharjah, Office 1404, Al Batha Tower, PO Box 65399 Sharjah

T: +971 6 5 73 73 18

M: +971 50 12 81 459

Email: info@nahawids.com


World of secrets.. Surrounded by many different tastes


Every design for a house or any other place is like an entrance to the world of the owners of the place, which will give their visitors the first impression of owners’ personalities once they enter.

And here comes the role of Engineer Mohamad Hassan, a designer and interior decorator, who is based on highlighting and showing the hidden part of the personality of the client and the owner of the place.

He highlights the development of patterns, technologies, and challenges.

The decor, a world of secrets, surrounded by many different tastes, related to designs, colors, materials and fabrics, and the method of organization and arrangement, and whatever the luxury of the home or place in which the special decoration is to be organized, the decorator’s touch remains the basic touch that greatly affects the general appearance of the place.

When you choose Engineer Mohamed Hassan, you choose one of the pioneers in the field of decoration and designs, and one of the people whose work enjoys imagination and inspiring intelligence.

Mohamed Hassan

Interior architect

Ras Al Khaimah – Al Qusaidat – Opposite Rak Hospital

Phone : +971 7 422 22 22

Mobile : +971 50 422 41 81


Email : info@almanzelalarabi.com
