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المهندس علاء فران وقصة الجمال والفخامة


في‭ ‬عالم‭ ‬تعم‭ ‬فيه‭ ‬الرتابة‭ ‬وتتشابه‭ ‬الأشياء،‭ ‬يقف‭ ‬الإنسان‭ ‬مشدوهاً‭ ‬أمام‭ ‬التطورات‭ ‬الكبيرة‭ ‬التي‭ ‬تتوالى‭ ‬على‭ ‬البشر‭ ‬حتى‭ ‬بات‭ ‬من‭ ‬غير‭ ‬الممكن‭ ‬مواكبة‭ ‬الأمور‭ ‬الطارئة‭ ‬على‭ ‬أرضنا‭ ‬في‭ ‬كافة‭ ‬المجالات‭ ‬وخاصة‭ ‬في‭ ‬عالم‭ ‬الديكور‭ ‬والهندسة‭ ‬الداخلية‭.‬ وكما‭ ‬معظم‭ ‬الأشياء‭ ‬فأن‭ ‬المشاريع‭ ‬الهندسية‭ ‬الكبيرة‭ ‬عادة‭ ‬ما‭ ‬تحتاج‭ ‬الى‭ ‬مهندس‭ ‬مبتكر‭ ‬ومبدع،‭ ‬وعادة‭ ‬تفرض‭ ‬المساحات‭ ‬الكبيرة‭ ‬نفسها‭ ‬على‭ ‬هذا‭ ‬المصمم‭ ‬فتضعه‭ ‬في‭ ‬اختبار‭ ‬كبير‭ ‬لا‭ ‬يسلم‭ ‬من‭ ‬سلبياته‭ ‬الكثير‭ ‬من‭ ‬الفنانين‭ ‬ويقع‭ ‬في‭ ‬فخه‭ ‬الباقي‭ ‬منهم،‭ ‬من‭ ‬غير‭ ‬تقديم‭ ‬ما‭ ‬هو‭ ‬مبتكر‭ ‬وخلاق‭ ‬وجديد‭ ‬ومختلف‭

وهناك‭ ‬قصة‭ ‬طويلة‭ ‬للجمال‭ ‬بين‭ ‬خيوط‭ ‬الهندسة‭ ‬الداخلية‭ ‬وتشابك‭ ‬الأفكار‭ ‬بين‭ ‬قديم‭ ‬وجديد‭ ‬وقدرة‭ ‬المصمم‭ ‬على‭ ‬ترجمة‭ ‬احلام‭ ‬صاحب‭ ‬البيت‭ ‬على‭ ‬أرض‭ ‬الواقع،‭ ‬وتلك‭ ‬فلسفة‭ ‬مرتبطة‭ ‬بالمساحات‭ ‬والخطوط‭ ‬والألوان‭ ‬والإضاءة،‭ ‬واللمسة‭ ‬الفنية‭ ‬الأخيرة،‭ ‬وقد‭ ‬برع‭ ‬المهندس‭ ‬علاء‭ ‬فران‭ ‬في‭ ‬طبع‭ ‬بصمته‭ ‬الفنية‭ ‬الخاصة‭ ‬والمميزة‭ ‬على‭ ‬مجمل‭ ‬المشاريع‭ ‬الهندسية‭ ‬التي‭ ‬تغنت‭ ‬باسمه‭ ‬وتحلت‭ ‬بمخيلته‭ ‬المبهرة‭ .‬

هي‭ ‬إذن‭ ‬قصة‭ ‬تروى‭ ‬للجمال‭ ‬والسحر‭ ‬والفتنة‭ ‬وقد‭ ‬استطاع‭ ‬المهندس‭ ‬فران‭ ‬من‭ ‬كتابة‭ ‬سطورها‭ ‬في‭ ‬غير‭ ‬مشروع‭ ‬تحول‭ ‬من‭ ‬مساحات‭ ‬فارغة‭ ‬الى‭ ‬لوحة‭ ‬هندسية‭ ‬تنبض‭ ‬بالبهجة‭ ‬والحياة‭.‬​

وقد‭ ‬ظهرت‭ ‬براعة‭ ‬المهندس‭ ‬علاء‭ ‬فران‭ ‬في‭ ‬رسم‭ ‬تخيلاته‭ ‬الهندسية‭ ‬الجديدة‭ ‬المكونة‭ ‬من‭ ‬لمسات‭ ‬غاية‭ ‬في‭ ‬الإثارة‭ ‬والجمال،‭ ‬ورسم‭ ‬زوايا‭ ‬مخملية‭ ‬مليئة‭ ‬بالإثارة‭ ‬والأمل،‭ ‬معتمداً‭ ‬في‭ ‬خطوطه‭ ‬الهندسية‭ ‬على‭ ‬تماوج‭ ‬الإضاءة‭ ‬مع‭ ‬الألوان‭ ‬المشرقة‭ ‬برفقة‭ ‬الأثاث‭ ‬الذي‭ ‬اختير‭ ‬بعناية‭ ‬كبيرة‭ ‬ليكمل‭ ‬روحية‭ ‬المشهد‭ ‬العام‭ ‬الذي‭ ‬أصبح‭ ‬طابعاً‭ ‬خاصاً‭ ‬له‭.‬

Majlis wash area design by Alaa Farran

Master bedroom design by Alaa Farran

Master Bath by ALAA FARRAN



Pioneer of Modern Architecture and Design
Alvar Aalto (1898-1976) enjoyed an exceptionally rich and varied career as an architect and designer, both at home in Finland and abroad.

After qualifying as an architect from Helsinki Institute of Technology (later Helsinki University of Technology and now part of the Aalto University) in 1921, Aalto set up his first architectural practice in Jyv?skyl?. His early works followed the tenets of Nordic Classicism, the predominant style at that time. In the late 1920s and early 1930s, he made a number of journeys to Europe on which he and his wife Aino Marsio, also an architect, became familiar with the latest trends in Modernism, the International Style.

The pure Functionalist phase in Aalto?s work lasted for several years. It enabled him to make an international breakthrough, largely because of Paimio Sanatorium (1929-1933), an important Functionalist milestone. Aalto had adopted the principals of user-friendly, functional design in his architecture. From the late 1930s onwards, the architectural expression of Aalto?s buildings became enriched by the use of organic forms, natural materials and increasing freedom in the handling of space.


It was characteristic of Aalto to treat each building as a complete work of art ? right down to the furniture and light fittings. In 1935, Artek was formed to promote the growing production and sales of Aalto furniture. The design of his furniture combined practicality and aesthetics with series production, following the main Artek idea of encouraging a more beautiful everyday life in the home. As far as design was concerned, Aalto was driven by an interest in glass since it provided an opportunity to handle the material in a new kind of way using free forms. His win in the Karhula-Iittala glassware design competition in 1936 led to the birth of the world-famous Savoy vase.

From the 1950s onwards, Aalto?s architectural practice was employed principally on the design of public buildings, such as Saynatsalo Town Hall (1948-1952), the Jyvaskyla Institute of Pedagogics, now the University of Jyv?skyl? (1951-1957), and the House of Culture in Helsinki (1952-1956). His urban design master plans represent larger projects than the buildings mentioned above, the most notable schemes that were built being Sein?joki city centre (1956-1965/87), Rovaniemi city centre (1963-1976/88) and the partly built Jyv?skyl? administrative and cultural centre (1970-1982).

Saynatsalo Town Hall

From the early 1950s onwards, Alvar Aalto?s work focussed more and more on countries outside Finland, so that a number of buildings both private and public were built to his designs abroad.